[Plant-education] Re: Plant-ed Digest, Vol 62, Issue 5
D Quick
via plant-ed%40net.bio.net
(by denisekq from juno.com)
Sat Oct 30 12:17:34 EST 2010
The Sonoran Desert Museum (in Tucson AZ) has a Forgotten Pollinators Campaign: http://www.desertmuseum.org/pollination/introduction.php
The following article (titled Our Forgotten Pollinators) was written by Gary Paul Nabham and Steven Buchmann, I think as part of the Forgotten Pollinators Campaign effort. Although the article was written about 15 years ago, I think it is useful: http://www.pmac.net/birdbee.htm
Hope this helps.
Denise Quick
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From: plant-ed-request from oat.bio.indiana.edu
To: plant-ed from magpie.bio.indiana.edu
Subject: Plant-ed Digest, Vol 62, Issue 5
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2010 12:05:17 -0500 (EST)
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Today's Topics:
1. pollination bio readings (Scott Shumway)
Message: 1
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2010 09:42:53 -0400
From: Scott Shumway <sshumway from wheatonma.edu>
Subject: [Plant-education] pollination bio readings
To: plant ed listserv <plant-ed from magpie.bio.indiana.edu>
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Plant ed,
Can anyone suggest a short paper or interesting website on pollination
biology that would be appropriate for an introductory biology class?
Scott Shumway
Professor of Biology
Wheaton College
Norton, MA 02766
sshumway from wheatonma.edu
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