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[Plant-education] arabidopsis

Zoger, Abigail via plant-ed%40net.bio.net (by azoger from santarosa.edu)
Wed Apr 27 13:58:43 EST 2011

I had come across a program that matched college or high school biology classes with researchers who were doing work with Arabidopsis.  The researcher would provide seed from their mutants and the students would do basic research ( response to drought, light, etc). I've lost the specific information, and I was wondering if anyone knew of the program and could send me the contact information.

This one idea that caught my eye, but my larger goal is to introduce a long term research project into my botany class. These are students who are finishing the third in our intro bio series for biology majors. We currently do a series of physiology labs that are experimental ( photosynthesis, water potential, mineral nutrition etc), but they are very cook book. Any other suggestions would be welcome.

Abigail Zoger
Life Sciences Department
Santa Rosa Junior College
Santa Rosa, CA

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