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[Plant-education] Caffeine's effect on plants

David Lally via plant-ed%40net.bio.net (by dlally from vt.edu)
Sun Dec 15 15:44:21 EST 2013

Hi Allison,

Most plants are harmed if you water them with a caffeine solution. I don't
think we know all the reasons why this is the case, but one effect that is
quite clear is that caffeine interrupts the formation of the cell-plate
during cytokinesis. Here <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DmzeowbIxgwI> is =
video that shows cell-plate formation (about 1 minute into the video). This
is an important part of the process of making new cells, so if you
interfere with making new cells, the plant will not be able to grow.

I hope that helps!


On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Don and Deanna Wyand <ddwyand from ptd.net>wrot=

> My name is Allison Wyand and I=92m working on an 8th grade science fair
> project for caffeine=92s effects on plant growth.  Could you email me any
> information that you have that would be helpful or point me in the right
> direction.  Any information would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Allison
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David J. Lally
Coordinator for the Partnership for Research and Education in Plants (PREP)
Fralin Life Science Institute
Virginia Tech
West Campus Drive MC 0346
Blacksburg, VA 24061

(540) 231-2531 phone
(540)  231-7126 fax
dlally from vt.edu

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