To Veljo Kisand
> Does anybody have or know how I can get minicells which I like to stain
> with some fluorescence marker and use for protozoa grazing experiments
> these bacterial mini cells?
I have used E. Coli minicells for protozoa grazing expriments.
At first,you had better get E. Coli x1488 strain.
And, refer to the next paper when you separate minicells from E.coli
A.A.Christen, M.L.Pall, T.Manzara & P.Lurquin. Gene 23, 195-198 (1983).
I tried to stain minicells with DTAF.
About Staining method of DTAF,I refered to the next paper.
B.F.Sherr, E.B.Sherr & R.D.Fallon. Appled and Environmental Microbiology
53, 958-965 (1987).
Hope it will help.
Address : ishigaki at
University of Tokyo , Ocean research Institute , Plankton Division
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