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A New Biology BBS

sutton at microbiol.org sutton at microbiol.org
Mon Aug 14 06:51:40 EST 1995

                            THE MICROBIOLOGY BBS

An electronic bulletin board specifically aimed at the concerns
of the professional biologist and interested layperson is now
available.  The Microbiology BBS is online at 817-557-0330.

The goal of this service is to provide quality, timely information
and communication in the biological and healthcare arenas.  All
relevant Internet newsgroups and BBS echoes are provided.
File areas include Medicine, HIV/AIDS, Microbiology, Biostatistics
Biology, Molecular Biology, and many others.

Email information on this service may be requested  from
the online information server.  The subject of the request is
INFO, and the message text blank.

Address request to:
            Internet:  info at microbiol.org.
             FidoNet:  info at 1:130/415

The Microbiology BBS                                          817-557-0330 (USA)
      Dedicated to the biologist in industry, academics, and health care.
Providing specialized file collections, and network communication on AegisNet,
 Internet (microbiol.org), FidoNet (1:130/415), HealthCare Net (60:6220/1).

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