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Kathie T. Hodge kh11 at cornell.edu
Mon Aug 21 14:59:51 EST 1995

Detlef D. Leipe wrote:

> I am looking for a current taxonomic treatment of the oomycetes.
> Most importantly I would like to have a list of valid
> species names.  Could anybody help with a literature reference,
> ftp or www site.

An internet resource that might help you is the telnet site maintained by
the USDA-ARS Systematic Mycology labs, which includes the bibliography of
"Literature Guide for Identification of Plant Pathogenic Fungi." There you
can find a guide to the taxonomic literature on oomycetous genera that
include plant pathogens.  See my web page
<http://muse.bio.cornell.edu/taxonomy/fungi.html#USDA> for access

Unfortunately I don't know of any recent works that treat all Oomycetes,
but you might have better luck by appealing to the oomycetologists who lurk
in bionet.mycology.

Kathie Hodge
kh11 at cornell.edu

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