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Eukaryotes in extreme environments

Dave Roberts dmr at nhm.ac.uk
Tue Mar 7 04:07:23 EST 1995

Hi everybody,

I need some help with an additional lecture (1 hour) I have been
asked to tack onto a course I teach on protistan diversity.

The topic is "survival strategy of eukaryotes in extreme
environments".  Here I mean extreme in the sense usually used
with the archae; physical parameters outside "normal", pH 5 - 8,
temp 4-40, salinity 0-45 %., etc..

I have worked with a ciliate community growing happily at pH 10,
(from an African soda lake), and I have heard that there is a
red algae (also African) which grows above 60 C.  Can anyone help
me out with some references or good places to search?  Good ideas
of how to construct electronic literature searches would be
particularly welcome.

This message has been cross-posted to the bionet.protista and
bionet.microbiology newsgroups.  My apologies for duplication
to members of both lists.

Thanks,    Dave
Dr D.McL. Roberts               Tel: +44 (0)171 938 8790
Dept. Zoology,                  Fax: +44 (0)171 938 9158
The Natural History Museum,
Cromwell Road,                  Internet: dmr at nhm.ac.uk
London              SW7 5BD
Great Britain

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