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New Centers Competition from NSF

James E. Rodman jrodman at NSF.GOV
Thu Nov 13 16:17:47 EST 1997

Dear U.S. Taxonomists and Friends:
     The U.S. National Science Foundation has recently announced
the third competition (for fiscal year 1998) in its Science and
Technology Centers program. This is a REALLY BIG program! Awards
are typically for $1.5 million to $4.0 million annually for up to
six years, and renewable. REALLY BIG! The new proposal solicitation
is available electronically from NSF, through its Web site at the
following address: <http://.www.nsf.gov/od/osti/centers/>.
     Centers are thematically oriented, multi-investigator projects
designed to address multiple goals, one of which is the integration
of research and education, and can be submitted only by eligible
U.S. academic institutions. Museum-based researchers should not
feel disenfranchised, however, and should capitalize on their
adjunct-appointment opportunities.
     The staff of the Systematic Biology Program at NSF encourage
the community of U.S. taxonomists/systematists to exploit this
opportunity. Modern systematic biology is a grand scientific
endeavor with sophisticated technological tools, a global network
of colleagues and friends, and an eager audience of young and old
alike, fascinated with Life on Earth. Now is the time to dust off,
or produce, all those BIG IDEAS.
     Be aware of the schedule of required documents:
January 6, 1998 -- notice of intent;
February 12, 1998 -- preproposal;
September 3, 1998 -- proposal.
     And GOOD LUCK!
     Your fellow systematists at NSF.

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