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Post-doc position

Wayne Gardner gardner at utmsi.utmsi.utexas.edu
Mon Aug 31 07:14:29 EST 1998

<underline>Marine Microbial Ecologist.</underline>  Post-doctoral
research position available for a marine microbial ecologist with
interest in studying nutrient cycling in pelagic and coastal environments
with novel analytical approaches.  Successful applicant will conduct and
participate in research on the biogeochemistry of nitrogen (and/or other
nutrients), including how it is affected by sunlight and the structure
and dynamics of the microbial food web (phytoplankton, bacteria,
protists, and microzooplankton).  Qualifications include a Ph.D. in the
aquatic sciences and a working ability to identify and quantify microbial
food web components.  Demonstrated ability to participate in
interdisciplinary research, write proposals, and publish results in
refereed journals is desired.  Application, including a statement of
research interests, curriculum vitae, and names and addresses of three
academic references, should be sent to The University of Texas at Austin
Marine Science Institute, 750 Channel View Drive, Port Aransas, Texas
78373, Attn: Wayne S. Gardner, by September 15, 1998.   E-mail:
gardner at utmsi.utexas.edu

Wayne S. Gardner                          Telephone:  512 749 6730

The University of Texas at Austin         FAX:        512 749 6777      

Marine Science Institute

750 Channel View Drive                     Email: gardner at utmsi.utexas.edu

Port Aransas, Texas 78373                 home page: http://www.utmsi.utexas.edu

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