The Biofilm Club is organising a workshop covering "alternative
methods of biofilm control" to be held at the School of Phamacy
(University of Manchester) on the 10th September. If you or your
colleagues would like to attend please see the biofilm website
(www.biofilmclub.co.uk)and contact Dr. Andrew McBain (see
"Alternative methods for the control of microbial biofilms"
10.00-10.30 Arrive - Registration and Coffee
10.30-11.00 Surface-catalysed hygiene
Peter Gilbert, University of Manchester
11.00-11.30 The PA-I lectin and Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms - a
novel approach to prevention and removal Rachael Stacey. University of
11.30-12.00 Cell-cell signals and biofilm control
David Allison, University of Manchester
12.00-1.30 LUNCH
1.30-2.00 Photoactivation and biofilms.
Michele Edge, Manchester Metropolitan University
2.00-2.30 Hard surface hygiene and biofilms
Jo Verran, Manchester Metropolitan University
2.30-3.00 Control of Oral biofilms and associated malodour
Anna Doran, Manchester Metropolitan University
3.30-4.00 Modulation of metabolic activities in gut bacterial
ecosystems using probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics
Andrew McBain, University of Manchester
4.00-End discussion
Dr. Alex Rickard
University of Manchester
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