Postdoctoral Fellowship- Chloroplast genomes of dinoflagellates
This postdoctoral position is to investigate the amazing minicircular
chloroplast genes of dinoflagellate algae (Zhang et al. Nature 400:
155-159 (1999); Mol Biol Evol 19: 489-500 (2000)). Each of 12
discovered so far is on its own individual 2-3 kb minicircle. The
non-coding region has conserved sequence blocks that are shared
all the genes of a species, but are completely different between
species. Chimeric minicircles containing fragments of several genes
indicate extensive recombinogenic activity and raise questions
the evolutionary origin of these minicircles. Since only a small
number of the usual complement of chloroplast genes has been
discovered in several Heterocapsa and Amphidinium species, one of our
goals is to determine whether the missing genes are on larger DNA
molecules (like most plastid genomes) or have been transferred to the
The ideal candidate for this position would have experience in
molecular genetics, genomics or gene expression of an organelle, or
have worked on problems concerning molecular evolution of
photosynthetic eukaryotes. The basic requirements are a demonstrated
mastery of molecular biological/biochemical techniques and a
pioneering spirit! This project is guaranteed to generate some
surprises (and publications in top journals), and should appeal to
those who like to work off the beaten track.
Dinoflagellates are an important part of marine phytoplankton,
contributing to the global drawdown of CO2. Some of them are notorious
for causing toxic "red tides", but others are responsible for the
viability of coral reefs. In my lab, we are particularly interested in
them because they are one of the groups of algae that acquired
chloroplasts by secondary endosymbiosis, i.e. by engulfing a red alga
and retaining only its chloroplast, now surrounded by three or four
membranes (see Ishida and Green, PNAS 99: 9294-9299, 2002). Other
projects in the lab are concerned with protein import and processing,
and the relationship between light-harvesting and dissipation of
excess light energy.
This postdoctoral position is available now, but could be commenced
any time before the end of 2002. For further information, please
contact (by e-mail or phone):
Dr. Beverley R. Green,
Botany Department,
University of British Columbia,
#3529-6270 University Boulevard,
Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V6T 1Z4
Phone: 1-604-822-2349 (lab -3613)
Fax: 1-604-822-6089
E-mail: brgreen at
Dr. Beverley R. Green
Botany Dept.,
University of B.C.,
Vancouver,B.C. V6T 1Z4
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