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[Schistosoma] Diagnosis of schistosomiasis in India

Dr.Rathinam(Cheif - Uvea clinic) rathinam at aravind.org
Mon Feb 6 22:28:39 EST 2006

Dear Sir,

I am Dr.Rathinam, an ophthalmologist,  I have published two papers on
possible trematode infection of eyes of South Indian children. As an
expert in the field, can you give me some input on prevalence of
trematode infection in India?

I have been asked to deliver a talk in World Ophthalmology Conference at
Brazil, on Trematode eye disease,

Thanking you in advance


With warm regards,

Yours sincerely,
Dr. S.R.Rathinam
Prof. of Ophthalmology and Head of uveitis service
Aravind Eye Hospital & PG. Institute of Ophthalmology
1. Anna Nagar,Madurai  625 020,Tamil Nadu, India
Ph:91- 0452-5356123,Fax : 91-452-2530984
email: rathinam at aravind.org, www.aravind.org <http://www.aravind.org/> 



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