In article <36CC4D7A.4AA1E72D at> Jack McNulty <jack at> writes:
I'll leave others to comment on the phred and Gap4 setup. You've already heard
my comments on this, although I'm happy to answer specific queries.
>ps. why are there so many get rich quick schemes on this group?
Because it's a newsgroup! All newsgroups seem to have lots of spam,
however this newsgroup gets few real postings and so it is more
noticable. Moderating newsgroups (unlike mailing lists) has no effect
as most of the spam bipasses the moderator anyway.
I've been toying with the idea of a proper mailing list, hosted at
LMB, for discussion on the package. Despite the fact that I often end
up replying to news articles myself I still feel that it is important
for them to be posted to the world rather than sent to me directly.
A mailing list, with a WWW interface to it, may be a less spamable solution.
Indeed if it was WWW only then that would make it almost automated-spam
free, however a proper mailing list is probably preferable.
Everyones comments are welcome on how we should proceed with a new
list. Is having this newsgroup good enough? We would ideally like our
users to help each other as much as possible (it leaves more time for
ourselves!), and to have discussions which may lead to software
James Bonfield (jkb at Tel: 01223 402499 Fax: 01223 213556
Medical Research Council - Laboratory of Molecular Biology,
Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QH, England.
Also see Staden Package WWW site at