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Leaving the list.

Rune Linding linding at bigfoot.com
Fri Nov 12 07:20:34 EST 1999

me too
this list SUX because the admin dosent know a thing about moderating
and setting up neccesary spam filters!!!!!


On 12 Nov, Felipe Rodrigues da Silva wrote:
> I just gave up this list. Just spam for months now! Should this ever
> work again, please, one of the remaining heroes drop me a line.
>      Best regargds.

Best Regards :)

Rune Linding Raun
Graduate student,B.Sc. 
University of Copenhagen		cellphone:	+45 2625 6801
Institute of Molecular Biology		pager:		+45 5020 8680
Department of Biological Chemistry	phone(lab):	+45 3532 2024
Sølvgade 83H Copenhagen			fax(lab):	+45 3532 2040
					email:		linding at bigfoot.com
					sms:		26256801 at sms.mobilix.dk
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