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A posting from the Bionet management

Alan Bleasby ableasby at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk
Mon Nov 15 08:39:30 EST 1999

Dear all,

I realise that your patience has been stretched for some considerable
time. Recent messages on this group have mentioned SPAM and

However, things are about to change. There will shortly be a change
in management of BIONET from the Stanford site to the UK Human Genome
Mapping Project Resource Centre. This will be officially announced
shortly. The HGMP site runs SPAM filtering software on all incoming
postings and this will be extended to the BIONET groups.

Anti-SPAM software should remove most irritations. If, however, it is
decided that moderation should be implemented (of course this
requires a responsible moderator) this too can be done.

We hope you'll bear with us for a month or so more. The changeover is
in progress and will be completed before the end of the year. Any
alterations to the groups during this process would complicate the

Look out for postings to bionet.announce.

Alan Bleasby

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