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funding opportunities

Lisa Whiting lisa at pharma-transfer.com
Wed Sep 15 07:55:02 EST 1999

The information below outlines the service that we provide to researchers
looking for funding for their projects.
If you could please indicate whether this proposal is of interest to you, it
would help.
I thank you in advance for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards



Our company Ballantyne Ross Ltd. specialises in medical publishing. We
produce a journal called 'Pharma-Transfer'. This journal (and its
corresponding web-site) contain summaries of current scientific research
from all over the world that has not been published anywhere else.

We have 250 subscribing clients worldwide including Glaxo-Wellcome,
SmithKline-Beecham, Eli Lilly and Bayer, who have access to this
information, as they are actively seeking the newest projects to invest in.
They obviously have an advantage over their non-subscribing competitors, as
they are the first to be aware of the research that could lead to the
discovery of new drugs in the future.

We ask researchers to submit to us a summary (300 words) on their current
research (one abstract per project if you have several). We then publish
this in our journal and its corresponding website and we highlight this
information to our clients. If interested, the industry would contact the
researcher directly and offer funding.

The entire service we provide is free of charge and because any information
you provide is appended with your contact details, any subsequent
negotiations are between yourselves and the contacting party.

I have included information that outlines the service we provide. I hope
this information is of help and I look forward to your comments on this

Warmest Regards

Lisa Whiting
Technology Transfer Officer
Ballantyne Ross Ltd.

Tel. 44 171 724 5444
Fax 44 171 724 2632
E-mail Lisa @Pharma-Transfer.com


What sort of research are we looking for?

We publish a diverse range - ageing, analgesia, connective tissue,
dermatology, endocrinology/cytokines, obesity, ophthalmology, urogenital,
basic science, drug screening, support services (including bioinformatics),
cardiovascular, gastroenterology, gene therapy, growth, development,
immunology, infectious diseases, neuroscience, oncology, phytotherapeutics,
reproduction, respiratory disease, transplantation and drug delivery. It is
important to realise the medium to long-term importance of regular basic
research in biomedicine. We are not looking for a drug candidate so even if
your research is not pharmaceutical, it will still undoubtedly have
applications that may be relevant.

What can we do for you?

We specialise in medical publishing and can facilitate funding opportunities
for researchers such as yourself. We will highlight your work in our journal
and on our web-site, to pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies
worldwide. They specifically subscribe to us in order to find projects to
fund. Therefore, if they are interested in your research they would then
contact you directly; clearly a powerful mechanism for potential funds.

Why should we use your service?

We are the only publishers in the world to publish research at all stages,
from early stage to patent granted to outlicencing opportunities from
companies and institutes.
Our web-site benefits from one of the most advanced search engines ever
developed. The industries that use the web-site as their working tool, put
in key words of interest and then walk away. When a new abstract appears on
the web-site (updated daily), if it matches their search enquiry, an e-mail
will automatically be sent to them. This ensures that not only does your
research achieve instant global exposure, but also that it is targeted to
the companies most likely to offer you funding. There is no other company in
the world that uses this system.

What do I have to do?

Simply e-mail (in a word document - PC format) or fax us a short summary
(250-300 words), for each project you are seeking funding for, including the
amount of funding required, and that's it! After acknowledging receipt, we
will publish your work on the web-site within 48 hrs and in the monthly
update of our next issue.

At what stage of my research should I submit an abstract?

We publish abstracts at various stages, from early research through to more
developed projects where patents may have been filed or even granted. You
may feel you have not progressed far enough in your research to publish
anything, but even a broad-based summary of your aims will attract
industries to your work for funding opportunities.

So how much does this cost?

Nothing!!! The service we provide is FREE of charge.

How much time will this take?

We do appreciate that you are busy but we estimate this will take no more
than 25 minutes of your time, which could provide funding for your whole

Could someone try to exploit the information I provide?

If your research is in the early stages or at a later stage, but you do not
wish to provide too much information, then we suggest your abstract
highlights the general aspects of your research, giving an overview as
opposed to specific details. This will therefore not jeopardize any future
patent application and will also serve to protect any delicate information
from being exploited by others.

What if I am already receiving funding?

Most of the major grant-awarding bodies have no objection to recipients
receiving supplemental funding from industry. We advise you to contact your
awarding body if you are unsure of any restrictions connected to your grant.

If I submit an abstract for your journal, I cannot write for another journal
can I?

As long as the information you provide for our journal, and any other
journal in the future is in a different format and reflects the most recent
developments in your research, publishing in our journal will not affect
publishing your work at a later stage, in another journal.

What format should my abstract be in?

We are happy to format your abstract for you with your appended contact

How do I get further information?

Visit our web-site!! http://www.pharma-transfer.com

If you would like to discuss this further or submit abstracts please do not
hesitate to contact me:

Contact Person:	Lisa Whiting
Address:	Ballantyne Ross Ltd
Tel:	+44 (0)171 724 5444
Fax:	+44 (0)171 724 2632
E-mail:	lisa at pharma-transfer.com

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