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Work Smarter/Not Harder!!!!

windmo at myrealbox.com windmo at myrealbox.com
Sat Aug 12 01:01:19 EST 2000


     I'll get right to the point.  I am the one that can help you make
$150,000 part time this year from the comfort of your home!
     Do you need money right now? Money that will come to you
month after month, year after year, and create wealth beyond
you're wildest dreams? Would you like to make $2000 to $10,000
per week or more starting virtually overnight?  Can you follow simple
step-by-step instructions? Would you like to be part of an honest,
ethical enterprise with a product that is second to none? 
Do you honestly have that burning desire, and are you willing to 
put forth the effort to make this become a reality for yourself?

    If your answer to any of these questions was yes, then I would like to provide you with the information you need to make an educated
decision about your FUTURE and your LIFE.

    This is not MLM, there are no personal selling or "convince me" tactics involved.

 This is Free Enterprise in its purest form!

	I have five positions available on my team and it's to my benefit to make you successful. In fact, I'm so sure that I can do so, I am willing to put my money where my mouth is!

	Upon accepting you as a member of my team, I will provide you with complete training and advertising assistance to help put you on the road to success.

Call 1-888-301-6578 (Free Recorded Message)

Prosperous Regards   

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