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Club Members limited time special offer ||| [atjco]

kecjg at talamasca.com kecjg at talamasca.com
Tue Aug 29 17:08:08 EST 2000

 WebPol Services Inc.
 Opt-In List Broadcast 
 Message-ID: <062d5user(a)subscribe at b2PROMO.net>

  *** The following offer valid to U.S. residents only.

  Do you have an idea, product or service that you
  believe could enhance the lives of others?  

  Direct email is the most direct and powerful 
  method of marketing on the Internet today.  There 
  are potentially millions of targeted buyers willing to 
  purchase your product/service.

  Did you know there are people working from their 
  home selling everything from jokes and romantic ideas
  to personal recipes all via direct email marketing?
  Direct email resources have been extremely expensive 
  and out of reach to the average marketer.  Many companies 
  charge more than $200 for a single mailing to 1000 emails 

  For a very *LIMITED TIME, you get your ad delivered directly 
  into the email inbox box of 500,000 Internet participants for 
  only $149.00 USD.
  The first 50 to 60 clients to respond to this offer, WebPol 
  Services will provide this service for a total amount of 
  $149.00 USD* !!!
  Those of you who saw this offer back in February but did 
  not get involved, NOW'S YOUR CHANCE !!!  
  This exact same offer is made two times during the year.
  We can only schedule 50 to 60 mailings and always do 
  so within about ten days from when we deliver this message
  to our members.

  DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY,,, See for yourself 
  that effective direct email marketing makes sense over 
  any other advertising medium PERIOD.  
  Allow us the opportunity to earn your business.  Let
  us prove to you how beneficial "effective" direct email 
  marketing is to your product or service.  
  We benefit by keeping you as a long-term client and 
  earning the business of your referrals !!!  
  Fax your reservation TODAY.  If you need help writing 
  your email advertisement, our copyrighters will also 
  provide this service to you completely FREE OF CHARGE.
  There is an obvious reason why hundreds of successful 
  Internet Marketers continue to generate sales using direct 
  email... it's because it works!!!  

  Now's your chance, see for yourself why it makes sense 
  to grow your business with "effective" direct email marketing. 

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CUT HERE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                - - -  DIRECT EMAIL MARKETING OFFER  - - -
                  - - -  ONE TIME 500,000 PIECE MAILING - - -
  Put your initials next to the statement below.
  _____Yes!  Please reserve a scheduled mailing of 500,000  
  email advertisements for my business.  I understand that 
  WEBPol Services Inc. will be mailing my text message and will 
  queue my ad for delivery within 10 business days of receiving 
  my final approved advertisement.  Please draft my checking 
  account for a one time payment of $149.00 USD.  
  [ See my attached check below. ]
  Here's what to do:

  STEP 1 : Print this order form.
  STEP 2 : Fill out the form below.
  STEP 3 : Write your check to WebPol Services for the amount of $149.00.
  STEP 4 : Tape your check to the bottom of this order form.
  STEP 5 : Fax this orderform including your check to: 1-212-504-0866
  STEP 6 : Check your email for a message containing the words
                   "August 2000 Promo" in the subject line.
  STEP 7 : Answer the questions and reply to that message to 
                   complete the setup of your mailing.
  Authorization:  August 2000 Promo
  Description:  500,000 email ad offer + FREE ad writing service
  Total amount: $149.00  USD
  Today's Date:_______________
  City, State, Zip:________________________________________
  Your Email Address:____________________________________
  Required for immediate order confirmation and communication with you.

  Authorization signature:__________________________________
  My signature above, authorizes a one time debit from my checking 
  account for this transaction of one-hundred and forty-nine dollars. 
  * All orders accepted until the mail queue has been filled.  All orders 
    not accepted will be replied to by the email address you've provided 
    above.  Thank you for your understanding.   

                    *** A T T A C H   C H E C K   H E R E ***

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CUT HERE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  NOTE:  If you are receiving this email, it is not SPAM.
  You have requested advertising information from WebPol
  Services marketing in the past. 

  For immediate removal of your email address from the 
  WebPol Services Inc. database, please go to the members 
  login page and enter your email address in the address 
  removal field at the bottom of that page.

  You may also send your request with this message to 
  the promo fax number listed above.
  This broadcast delivered by an independent advertising service.

 Message-ID: <062d5user(a)subscribe at b2PROMO.net>


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