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Thats right people super low prices and a resonable shipping rate. I am
selling NEC ram chips in the sizes of 128MB, 246MB, and 512MB chips for sale
running at 133 MHz. Make sure it runs with your system. E-mail me for
details. Shipping starts at $7.50 for the first chip and $1.50 after that.
Chips are lifetime warranty through NEC. The average speed is 7.5 - 8.0 NS.
Prices per chip is as follows 128 MB PC 133 $ 15.00 plus shipping. PC 133
256MB runs at $ 25.00. PC 133 512MB runs at $55.00! So bid now as my
supplies are limited. I perfer paypal as means of payment! So e-mail me at
Kiting at for those chip! The above funds are in US dollars!