Dear Friend,
Give yourself the ADVANTAGE of enjoying life more with EXCELLENT
CREDIT!! Over the past 8 years I have perfected a system called
the Proven Credit Advantage Program. It's a guaranteed way for
legally getting an excellent credit rating almost instantly.
Here's how:
If you have bad credit you will simply go through my easy 5 step
program to quickly get a new, legal, unblemished credit file and
establish Excellent Credit. If you don't have bad credit, but
want to make your existing credit EXCELLENT, we will go straight
to STEP 5.
Step 1 -
Because no two people in the United States have the same Social
Security Number, Banks and Creditors access your credit file
almost entirely by your SS#. You will not want to change your
Social Security Number because it is extremely difficult to do
so and you need it for your Employment, Taxes and Social
Security Benefits. The FEDERAL PRIVACY ACT OF 1974 clearly
states that only the Government and your employer can force you
to use your SS#. Because of this law you are allowed to legally
use another 9 digit number to use in place of your Social
Security # on credit applications.
The first day you become our client, you will receive your own
number through the Employer Identification Number Program. You
will need us for this because 95% of all Employer Identification
Numbers, although 9 digits, do not look anything like Social
Security Numbers and cannot be used on credit applications.
We will legally get you an Employer Identification Number that
fits in the same range of Social Numbers in use today. Because
the Federal Laws do not require you to give your SS# to anyone
besides your Employer and the Government, you can now legally
use this number in place of your SS# on credit applications.
Remember, your new number will only be used for new credit.
Step 2 -
No two people with the same name have the same mailing address,
so you will need to obtain a new mailing address for use on your
new credit file. A friend, relative or mailbox address in your
area will be perfect.
Step 3 -
No two people with the same name have the same telephone numbers,
so you will also need a new telephone number for use on your
new credit file. A friend, relative, voice mail or pager will
again work perfectly.
Step 4 -
With your new Social Security number, new address and new
telephone number we will open your new credit file. It will now
be totally impossible for any creditor to know anything about
your past credit history.
Step 5-
To guarantee that you will quickly have EXCELLENT CREDIT, we
will assist you in instantly adding UNLIMITED positive
information to your credit file. This is an unknown way of
adding real accounts to your new credit file to give you an
Excellent Credit Rating in less than 15 days. As you know, the
more positive information on your credit file, the more money
banks will lend you. Countless clients of ours have credit lines
over $100,000 because of our Proven Credit Advantage Program!
When we are finished you will receive a copy of your credit
file proving that you now have excellent credit! This will take
less than 15 days. You will now be able to easily qualify for
ANY credit you apply for! To be on the road to EXCELLENT CREDIT
simply send us your name, complete mailing address including
zip code and telephone number (optional), along with a check
or money order payable to American Financial Services Inc.
for $29.95.
Send to:
American Financial Services Inc.
Attn.: Mike Robbins
311 N. Robertson Blvd.
Suite 625
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
All necessary paperwork along with a telephone number to contact
us for assistance will be sent to you priority mailed to you
within 3 business days.
My Proven Credit Advantage Program unconditionally guarantees
you will qualify for personal loans, business loans, credit
cards, auto loans, home loans and any other credit you apply for!
If you are not able to qualify for credit after using my program,
simply return your Proven Credit Advantage Program along with
your denial letter and your $29.95 investment will be refunded
DOUBLE! That's a $59.90 refund if this doesn't work like I said!
I make this guarantee to you because the Proven Credit Advantage
Program has already helped over 15,000 people just like you.
I KNOW it works - all you need to do is sign up TODAY! I truly
look forward to making you another SATISFIED CLIENT!!
Yes! I deserve excellent credit. Please enroll me in the Proven
Credit Advantage Program. Enclosed is my check/money order for
$29.95. The following information is for our records only and
does not need to be your new credit file information.
First Name______________________________
Last Name________________________________
If you would prefer to download your Proven Credit Advantage
Program, simply check below and we will e-mail you a download
upon receipt of your order.
___ Please e-mail me my PROVEN CREDIT ADVANTAGE PROGRAM to the
above e-mail address.
United States Priority Mail to the above address.
Send $29.95 to:
American Financial Services Inc.
Attn: Mike Robbins
311 N. Robertson Blvd.
Suite 625
Beverly Hills, CA 90210