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How do you create EMBOSS files?

husam husalwan at sci.kun.nl
Fri Feb 1 06:44:48 EST 2002

hi, I'm trying to configure staden to run emboss commands with 

Both staden and emboss are installed on my machine(redhat 7.2, on a i386 
pc). Both packages work fine separately. But, when I run 
create_emboss_files.tcl I get the following error messages:

[earth linux-bin]# ./create_emboss_files
Error in startup script: couldn't execute "embossdata": no such file or 
     while executing
"open "|embossdata 2>/dev/null""
     (procedure "acd_dir" line 3)
     invoked from within
     invoked from within
"set acd_dir [acd_dir]"
line 97)

Anybody has a clue what's wrong here?

thanks in advance.

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