Simon Andrews wrote:
> husam wrote:
> >
> > hi, I'm trying to configure staden to run emboss commands with
> > create_emboss_files.tcl.
> >
> > Both staden and emboss are installed on my machine(redhat 7.2, on a i386
> > pc). Both packages work fine separately. But, when I run
> > create_emboss_files.tcl I get the following error messages:
> >
> > [earth linux-bin]# ./create_emboss_files
> > Error in startup script: couldn't execute "embossdata": no such file or
> > directory
>> You probably need to have the EMBOSS bin directory in you path. What
> happens when you try to run embossdata from the command line? What
> happens when you run "which embossdata"?
>> How you alter your path will depend on what shell you are using.
>> Hope this helps
>> Simon.
Thanks for you'r replay. I found that EMBOSS was not installed due to
compilation errors. I sayed in my posting that it was working properly, but
this is not true becase I confiused two machines on which EMBOSS was
installed, but the installation was ok only in one.