IUBio GIL .. BIOSCI/Bionet News .. Biosequences .. Software .. FTP


presents_xmass at yahoo.com presents_xmass at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 2 16:44:52 EST 2002

I have been on the Internet for 5 years doing bulk e-mail.  I know one thing for sure about it.  IT REALLY WORKS!  For the first time we are offering to sell our list.  These names are clean of duplicates and have just been updated.  Do not be fooled by the others selling 100 million for such a low price, those names are full of foreign names and duplicates and are VERY OUTDATED.

We are selling a database of over 20 million for $150.00.  I will even include a short guide on how to mail out. Or you may purchase our list of 20 million + bulk e-mailing software (valued at $1000.00) and a list manager program--all for $500.00.  I even include our phone #:) No joke. Now is the time to get on the net!  REMEMBER QUALITY GETS RESULTS!

For more info go to getleads99 at excite.com

To leave list  unitednet30 at excite.com


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