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BUY Printer-Inkjet Cartridges ONLINE & SAVE !!!!

Printer-Inkjet-Cartridges206272 at yahoo.com Printer-Inkjet-Cartridges206272 at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 8 16:35:27 EST 2002

Dear Subscriber

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<div align="center"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3" color="#0000FF"><b><font color="#FF0000"><font size="5">inkjet
  cartridges &amp; Laser Toner</font><br>
  for your printer</font></b></font> </div>
<p align="center"><font color="#0000FF" size="4" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b>BUY
  and cut out the middle man!!</b></font></p>
<p align="center"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3" color="#0000FF"><b><font color="#FF0000"><a href=""><font size="6">CLICK
  &amp; <br>
  Visit the <br>
  <font size="7">INKJET STORE</font><br>
<p align="center"><b><font size="4" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#0000FF">All
  CARTRIDGES ARE 100% GUARANTEED</font></b></p>
<p align="center"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">All cartridges
  will meet or exceed the OEM specifications for laser and Inkjet cartridges</font></p>
<p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
<p align="center"><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">This E-mailing
  has been sent to you as a person interested in the information enclosed. <br>
  If this reached you by error, or you do not wish to receive this information
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  please click on the word<a href="mailto:remove at inkjetplanet.com"> REMOVE </a>and
  reply this email to us, you will be taken off our list immediately and NEVER
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[9526iAto7-382HXku6093RPBY5-255pDjJ7153eUUq0-806TnaI4911ShEF4-280cYgG at 64]


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