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STADEN Unwated format conversion

Simon Andrews simon.andrews at bbsrc.ac.uk
Thu Feb 14 07:50:10 EST 2002

I've got a problem with using ABI files (*.abd) with Staden 2001, which
wasn't a problem with Staden 2000.

I'm trying to pass the files through pregap without reformatting them
into SCFs, ZTRs or anything else.  The problem is that if I use any kind
of base calling algorithm on them, then I get a format conversion I
didn't ask for.  If I use Estimate Base Accuracies it turns them into
ZTR files (and links these to the exps), and if I use Phred it makes
them into SCFs.

In the Trace format conversion module there is an option to delete
temporary files used as part of base calling - but what do I do if I
don't want to convert format at all (and hence this module is

Thanks for any help


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