Due to changes in the LMB ftp server some sites are finding it hard to
connect. Our system administrator is currently looking into the situation, but
I thought it's about time we updated our download formats to allow for http
requests too. (Personally I think using http for downloads is a bad idea, but
some people seem to like it and it does overcome the current ftp problems.)
So if you've tried and failed to download the package in the week or two,
please try again now following the http links instead.
James Bonfield (jkb at mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk) Fax: (+44) 01223 213556
Medical Research Council - Laboratory of Molecular Biology,
Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QH, England.
Also see Staden Package WWW site at http://www.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/pubseq/