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QV calculation

Verena Bohle vbohle at oncoscreen.com
Fri Aug 22 08:02:40 EST 2003

Hello everyone,

I am busy to find out how the staden-package calculates the consensus-QVs. 
I read the page "Consensus Calculation Using Confidence Values" but I 
didn´t find out so far how the Bayesian calculation works. I am specially 
interested in the question if one or two bases with a low QV (at a position 
with several bases of medium and good quality) can decrease the 
consensus-QV compared to the situation if this one or two bases of low 
quality weren´t there. I would just try if I had the equipment but I 
havn´t. Aside from this I´d rather know the theory than the result of an 

I appreciate any help.

best regards
Verena Bohle

Verena Bohle
Oncoscreen GmbH
Wildenbruchstrasse 15
07745 Jena, Germany

Tel.: +49-3641/67 52 53
Fax: +49-3641/67 52 51
e.mail: vbohle at oncoscreen.com
Internet: www.oncoscreen.com

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