I want to use Genbank Entry AH010989 (Coding Sequence of FGFR2) as my
Reference Sequence in Gap4. This entry has 2 segments, the first 2
exons in the first seqment and the remaining exons in the second
segment. I downloaded the entry in Genbank format and converted it
with ReadSeq into EMBL format. However, Gap4 displays only the second
Can Gap4 read segmented EMBL entries? Is there an easy way to join
the segmented entry in one single entry?
Thanks for your help!
Dr. med. Andreas Zankl
Division de Pediatrie Moleculaire
Rue du Bugnon
CH-1011 Lausanne
Tel.: +41-21-3143778
Fax: +41-21-3143546
Email: andreas.zankl at hospvd.ch
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