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Help pages dont open in 2003.0b1?

Andreas Zankl Andreas.Zankl at hospvd.ch
Tue Jun 3 03:11:12 EST 2003

I run the Mac OS X version of the 2003.0b1 release on my G4 PowerMac 
under Apple's X11. When I click the Help buttons in Pregap4 or Gap4 
in release 2003.0b1 I get an "sh: netscape: command not found" error 
message in the terminal window. Makes sense, since I do not have 
Netscape installed. But when I do the same thing in the 2002.0 
release, Gap4 fires up the Safari webbrowser (my default) and 
displays the help pages. How can I configure the 2003.0b1 release to 
do the same thing?

Thanks for your help!

Andreas Zankl, MD
Division of Molecular Pediatrics
Clinique Infantile 02/50
CH-1011 Lausanne
Phone: +41-21-3143778
Fax: +41-21-3143546
Email: andreas.zankl at hospvd.ch

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