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Pregap4 fails to enter assembly into Gap4 (failed to change directory/no such file or directory)

Michael Jeltsch markku.jeltsch at helsinki.fi
Thu Jun 5 03:10:41 EST 2003

I am a Staden/Linux newbie and just installed Staden 2002.0 on RedHat9.
Pregap4 works but the module Enter Assembly (into Gap4) fails to do its 
job with the following error:

- Report from 'Enter assembly (into Gap4)' -
ERR: Failed to change directory to 
ERR: "couldn't change working directory to 
"/home/defuser/Sequences/2003-06-03_56/pregap.assembly": no such file or 
ERR: Aborting enter assembly.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

Markku Michael Jeltsch
phone (work) -358-9-191-25514
mobile -358-50-3200235
ICQ 135789835

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