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Follow-up - Pregap4 fails to enter assembly into Gap4 (failed to change directory/no such file or directory)

Michael Jeltsch markku.jeltsch at helsinki.fi
Mon Jun 16 03:11:06 EST 2003

There was apparently a problem with the file name lengths. My trace 
files come from a Windows NT connected to the ABI 3100 Sequencer. The 
file names are excessively long and apparently Staden couldn't handle 
them. The actual problem appeard to be the fact that the module "Enter 
Assembly (into Gap4)" needs an assembly to be able to function correctly 
which obviously could not be provided by the preceeding modules. Now I 
shortened them and everything seems to work.
Markku Michael Jeltsch
phone (work) -358-9-191-25514
mobile -358-50-3200235
ICQ 135789835

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