a.gschwendtner at arcor.de (Andreas Gschwendtner) wrote in message news:<b47d0a51.0306130042.6e0fcc11 at posting.google.com>...
> Hello everybody,
>> can anyone provide step-by-step instructions for installing Staden
> Package on a Mac OS X System? My Unix knowledge is very limited,
> although I have experimented with "fink" al little bit... (I have been
> a long-time Mac-user).
Hi Andreas,
I tried to do this this weekend at home. These instructions are from
memory, so I hope there are no mistakes. I downloaded and unpacked the
staden-macosx package - I think it was the latest beta version. Then
in the package I found a readme file that gave some instructions for
adding lines to your .cshrc file. I added those, and made sure that
the line that has /usr/local/ in it says macosx, instead of linux as
the standard readme file says. I did not copy the binaries to
/usr/local/, but instead made a symlink to the staden_macosx folder
that contains all the binaries and that is buried inside the unpacked
staden package. Sorry if it sounds unclear, I forgot the correct names
I already have X11 installed through fink, as well as KDE, although
the latter is not necessary.
>From the xterm you can now run a staden package, eg: spin or gap4.
I hope I didn't forget anything.
- Koen.