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teaching exercises using Staden package

camitroup at comcast.net camitroup at comcast.net
Tue Jun 8 03:13:08 EST 2004

Dr. Bob Horton and I are currently working on a molecular biology teaching platform called cybertory (www.cybertory.org) which has a DNA sequence trace generator.   I would like to compare the virtual DNA sequencer to real sequence data and use the Staden ABI files from the tutorial.  As part of a comparison of real sequencing data to simulated data, I need the primer sequences used to sequence this data.  If anyone has this information and could share it with me, I'd greatly appreciate it.  

We have developed training exercises for undergraduate and postgraduate students which uses the Staden package.  There is a shotgun sequencing exercise and an HIV genotyping exercise.  Dr Bob Horton recieved an NIH SBIR grant to develop the cybertory virtual molecular biology lab which also includes a PCR simulation module and a microarray image generator, both under development.  We have conducted workshops with students at Sacramento State university recently.  



Camille B. Troup, Ph.D.
Biotechnology Consultant

camitroup at comcast.net

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