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URODELES/bionet.organisms.urodeles is ready! (fwd)

S. Hua u9114317 at MUSS.CIS.MCMASTER.CA
Tue Oct 25 09:10:37 EST 1994

Greetings from McMaster University in Hamilton!

The reason why I am writing is because currently I'm working with 
Necturus Punctatus, or a water dog, instead of with the preferred Axolotl 
(Ambystoma mexicanum).  I'm wondering if there is anyone in particular who is
dealing with this system.  I'm interested in the morphological 
similarities between these two species, in particular, similarities in  the 
respiratory system.  Also if there is any information on what is the 
ideal anesthetic to use on these animals, that is, one that will not 
disrupt ciliary structure or activity.

Thank you for your time and consideration.  Looking forward to hearing 
from you soon.
Many thanks and apologies if I screwed up somewhere along the line.
Steve Hua 
<u9114317 at muss.cis.mcmaster.ca>

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