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clay for dishes

Linda_Barlow at SOM-LRC.UCSD.EDU Linda_Barlow at SOM-LRC.UCSD.EDU
Fri Jan 20 14:54:49 EST 1995

We have been using a mystery plasticine to line our dissecting dishes for embryo 
surgery.  The stuff we use works just fine, but we have run out of it, have no 
idea what it was, and how to find more of the same stuff.  I have a tried a 
couple of other locally available clays/plasticines, but haven't found anything 
that maintains its integrity when immersed in holtfretter's for several hours.

In looking through various references, mention is often made of American Art 
Clay, from Indianapolis.  Unfortunately, I've been unable to track this brand 
down in the San Diego area.  Does anyone have the name of a similar brand of 
plasticine clay that is available locally, or know how I might get a hold of 
some American Art clay?


Linda Barlow                  LBarlow at UCSD.edu
Neurosciences 0201
La Jolla, CA  92093-0201

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