On 20 Jan 1995, Steve Scadding wrote:
>>> On 20 Jan 1995 Linda_Barlow at som-lrc.ucsd.edu wrote:
>> > We have been using a mystery plasticine to line our dissecting dishes for embryo
> > surgery. The stuff we use works just fine, but we have run out of it, have no
> > idea what it was, and how to find more of the same stuff. I have a tried a
> > couple of other locally available clays/plasticines, but haven't found anything
> > In looking through various references, mention is often made of American Art
> > Clay, from Indianapolis. Unfortunately, I've been unable to track this brand
> > down in the San Diego area. Does anyone have the name of a similar brand of
> > plasticine clay that is available locally, or know how I might get a hold of
> > some American Art clay?
>> The brand name of the American Art Clay Co modelling clay is "Permoplast".
> The address on the package is:
> American Art Clay Company, Inc.,
> 4717 West Sixteenth St.,
> Indianapolis, Indiana 46222
>> But I must warn you that I bought a lot of this stuff many, many years
> ago and so the address may not be current. If you phone the company,
> they may be able to give you the name of a San Diego area supplier.
> Good luck!
>>> *****************************************************************
> Steven R. Scadding, Phone: 519-824-4120 Ext. 3334
> Department of Zoology, Fax: 519-767-1656
> University of Guelph,
> Guelph, Ontario, Email: scadding at uoguelph.CA> CANADA N1G 2W1
> *****************************************************************
Permoplast clay is available in our stockroom. I'm sending you a box
If anyone else is having trouble getting a hold of this clay, let me know
and I will get some for you too.
Susan T. Duhon Indiana University Axolotl Colony
Phone 812-855-8260 Jordan Hall 407
Fax 812-855-6705 Bloomington, IN 47405 USA
email duhon at indiana.edu