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Inhibition of DSI Kinase by Influenza

Ed Rybicki ED at micro.uct.ac.za
Wed Jun 23 02:37:10 EST 1993

> In-Reply-To: <93622162726.MIN-LLNAa21773.bionet-news at uk.ac.daresbury>; from "HPUTZ at BIOTECHNET.COM" at Jun 22, 93 3:17 pm
> X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL11]
> > I'm a newcomer to this bulletin board and since I have yet to hear
> > from any of you, I thought that I would try to get the ball rolling.
> I joined this list 2 weeks ago and have been stunned by the total
> silence! I don't know how many people are on the list, maybe its
> just me and Henry :)
> I wish I could contribute, but I'm afraid my area is the insect transmission
> of plant viruses (and the teaching of virology generally). Anyone out
> there share these interests - (anyone out there)?

We'd better start using this group, otherwise its total lack of traffic
will get it closed down - after all the sterling efforts to get it
established in the first place!

Yes, I share the interests: I am working with leafhopper-
transmitted monogeminiviruses (with which I think you [CW] have some
glancing acquaintance...!), and potyviruses, and teach molecular and
general virology to under- and postgraduates at the University of CT
(California- Tijuana, if anyone asks what "UCT" means on my T-shirt...).
I am also fascinated by molecular systematics of viruses (and have met
some others of like mind thru this newsgroup), and indulge my obsession
endlessly on a growing database of Gemini-, Poty- and Bromoviridae

And no, I don't really have anything to contribute on flu and kinases -

 | Ed Rybicki, PhD             |       "Lord, won't you buy me        |
 | (ed at micro.uct.ac.za)        |                                      |
 | Dept Microbiology           |         A Mer-ce-des Benz..."        |
 | University of Cape Town     |                                      |
 | Private Bag, Rondebosch     |                                      |
 | 7700, South Africa          |           - Janis Joplin             |
 | fax: 27-21-650 4023         |                                      |

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