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Virology Teaching Resources on the Internet

Stephan Spencer sspencer at rhino.bocklabs.wisc.edu
Sat Oct 1 16:59:02 EST 1994

The World Wide Web server for virology at the Institute for Molecular
Virology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, has some new teaching resources

These include:

- Archive of Virology Course Syllabi (several new virology lab courses
- General virology tutorials (a major new addition thanks to Ed Rybicki)
- Interactive visualizations of viruses and viral proteins (i.e. rotate the
structures in real-time!)
- Phone book of virologists who are available on the Internet
- Phone book of picornavirologists worldwide (the EUROPIC '94 participants)
- Printable how-to handout on computer-aided virology instruction (Mosaic:
An Instructional Aid for Teaching Virology)
- "Communicating Information about Virus Structure and Biology Via the
World Wide Web", a paper from the Advance Proceedings of the Second
International World Wide Web Conference
- Fill-in forms for instructors to create their own course syllabi, with
supplementary exercises that refer to documents on the Virology server or
elsewhere on the Net. This "hypersyllabus" is stored on the server and can
be accessed by anyone with a connection to the Web; it can guide the
instructor's students in their exploration of the Web.

In Mosaic, choose "Open URL" from the File menu and type in the following

Please spread the word to your colleagues. Enjoy!

I am currently looking for a job in New Zealand or Australia, particularly
one related to bioinformatics. If you have any leads for me, please email
Thank you!

Stephan Spencer
Developer and Administrator of WWW Server for Virology
Institute for Molecular Virology
University of Wisconsin-Madison
sspencer at rhino.bocklabs.wisc.edu

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