In article <65221.branco at> branco at writes:
>> With all due respect to those who took the time to become involved
>and replied to the "modest proposal" is it maybe about time we let go?
>I think that we all subscribed to the virology net to exchange important
>information among virologists, regarding virology, in a civilized fashion.
>Since mistakes are a great way to learn, maybe the coordinators of the
>virology net ought to restrict access of postings only to those that present
>a return e-mail address, as has been proposed.
As the proposer of bionet.virology which was to be an unmoderated group
I feel we should continue in an unmoderated fashion. In other groups from
time to time articles appear which in my opinion really do not deserve any
reply and therefore I offer none. This is an extremely democratic system and
each individual should make up their own mind as to what should be discussed.
A quick search on the gopher using the keywords virology and charter
should show you the original charter of this group. Maybe from time to time
it ought to be published in bionet.virology, although ultimately that ends up
using bandwidth (read space) on the archive
Dr Robert J. Coelen fax: 61-77-791 526
Dept of Biomedical and Tropical Veterinary Sciences phone: 61-77-815 024
James Cook University of North Queensland
Townsville-just-about-on-THE-reef, Q, 4811
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