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Diploid Viruses?

Karl Fischer kfischer at gpu.srv.ualberta.ca
Thu Oct 27 15:44:39 EST 1994

In article <38oq38INNq39 at early-bird.think.com>,
york at mbcrr.dfci.harvard.edu (Ian A. York) wrote:
>         Another case in point is hepatitis B.  Here the vast number of 
> non-infectious particles are probably chaff for the immune system, but 
> importantly these do not contain genomes; the investment in these 
> particles is relatively low.  So the non-infectious diversion doesn't 
> really apply here.

Hmmm...considering that during acute infection there are 10^9 DNA
containing particles per ml and 2-3 logs *higher* levels of surface
antigen particles (22 nm and filaments) I think that the investment (as
you call it) in the later is really quite high. In moving from an acute
infection to a chronic form, the non-infectious diversion really *does*
apply; circulating sAg can overwhelm a fledgling humoral response and
drive tolerance/anergy in the CMI response both having a role in

My 2¢ worth.



Karl Fischer
kfischer at gpu.srv.ualberta.ca
tyr-2 at bones.biochem.ualberta.ca

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