IUBio GIL .. BIOSCI/Bionet News .. Biosequences .. Software .. FTP


knunan at .interramp.com knunan at .interramp.com
Fri Sep 2 02:53:35 EST 1994

woodall writes on the spread of hantavirus as possibly being
due to inbcreased deer mice populations. 

Paul Epstein of Harvard feels that the emergence of hantavirus
and the pulmonary variant (which mayve always been around) is
due to the increase in rodent populations. Grenard, in his
new book MEDICAl HERPETOLOGY, discusses many viruses in
relation to reptiles and amphibians. Re Hantavirus, Grenard
traces the increase in deer mice to a decline in mice predators
in addition to favorable conditions such as heavy rains and
a preponderance of pine nut food for the rodents. Over 10-15
years events known as rattlesnake round-ups  occurred
throughout the southwest.  Millions of rattlesnakes (all
certified deer mouse predators) are rounded up and killed. Their
habitats are destroyed. These millions of dead rattlers
translate into multitudinous millions of mice, perhaps approaching
billions, free to provide hostspace to hantavirus;  with
increased population contact with or near humans is inevitable.
Rattlers bite and rarely kill but a small# of people annually.
These fools dont realize a virus such as hantavirus can kill
thousands or more in a few months if allowed to run uncheckd. 
There are many other interesting virus-related issues covered
in this book which is available from the publisher for $19.95:
In US call 717-622-6050.  or write NG Publications, RD 3, Rte 61,
Box 3709A, Pottsville, Pennsylvania 17901. . 

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