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fever and chickenpox

pp000165 at interramp.com pp000165 at interramp.com
Thu Sep 15 09:30:46 EST 1994

In article <cupton.1129981655E at ra.uvic.ca>, <cupton at sol.uvic.ca> writes:
> Newsgroups: bionet.virology
> Path: 
> From: cupton at sol.uvic.ca ( Chris Upton)
> Subject: fever and chickenpox
> Message-ID: <cupton.1129981655E at ra.uvic.ca>
> Sender: news at sol.UVic.CA
> Nntp-Posting-Host: hermes.bioc.uvic.ca
> Organization: University of Victoria
> X-Newsreader: VersaTerm Link v1.1.3
> Date: Thu, 15 Sep 94 01:53:35 GMT
> Lines: 15
> Hi, does anyone have any info regarding the detrimental effect of
> fever-reducing drugs in the recovery of viral diseases?
> Somewhere, I'm sure I saw jsut this about chickenpox!
> Thanks,
>    Chris
> Chris Upton 
> Biochemistry & Microbiology
> University of Victoria
> PO Box 3055, Victoria
> BC, Canada   V8W 3P6
> (604)721-6507
> (604)721-8855 fax

I believe that it is fairly well established that children given          
aspirin when they have chicken pox or flu (symptoms/flu) are at risk of
developing a condition known as Reye's syndrome.  Reye's is
an acute disorder causing encepha;opathy and fatty infiltration
of the viscera. This is a serious disorder with multiorgan
sites; it is associated with Influenza and varicella;
aspirin given to children with flu or varicella has been implicated and all 
aspirin bottles in the U.S carry warnings re Reyes. 
The prognosis is grave. In hospitalized cases, the time
of admission to death is about 4-days on average although
early diagnosis in cases not as serious often have a better
outcome. Suggest you read-up on Reye's Syndrome in any standard
medical ref, pediatric text, etc for detailed info. 

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