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A Modest Proposal

Patric Lundberg psl at ahabs.wisc.edu
Tue Sep 20 01:54:40 EST 1994

In article <CwFxpF.F1H at ncifcrf.gov>, tobin at fcs260c.ncifcrf.gov (Greg Tobin)

> For those that missed the post in question, the author wants to crate
> a recombinant virus (RSV?) that will immunize females against sperm
> proteins.  Supposedly, their immune systems would then neutralize sperm
> and prevent fertilization.  The virus would be spread by aerosol and effect
> would be evident within one generation.

How would this work again?  Believe me, I am treating this as the
theoretical bonehead idea it is.
1. Most women probably have some form of immune response to sperm protein
already (Mother Teresa excl.), and humankind still propagates quite well.
2. How would the virus be directed to the appropriate site - although some
mucosal immunity could be achieved through aerosol exposure, the
effectiveness in the vagina would certainly be less efficient from this
delivery system.
3. What sperm protein(s) are you going to use Mr(s) Anonymous?
4. How will you account for HLA polymorphism?
5. Nature will inevitably counteract (and overcome) any attempt of this
kind. If  a human, or an Anonymous, can think of a biological idea, rest
assured, nature has already tried it out...

Before Mr(s) Anonymous rears its ugly head again, please familiarize
yourself with at least some introductory level biology and biotechnology.

Sincerely, Patric.

< -------------------------------------------------- >
  psl at ahabs.wisc.edu
  UW-Madison, Mad-town USA

  Ma'let a"r ingenting, va"gen a"r allt - R. Broberg
< -------------------------------------------------- >

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