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A modest proposal

Greg Tobin tobin at fcs260c.ncifcrf.gov
Tue Sep 20 17:04:11 EST 1994

From:     Self <LCMS-1/TOBIN>
To:       bogus at no.return.address ,
Subject:  Re: Re: A Modest Proposal
Date:     20 Sep 94 17:58:14

Sorry to post this, but I don't feel like learning how to respond to
anonymous posts today.

> > Problems:
> > 1.    Although over-population is a real problem, underpopulation could
> >       also hurt the global society.
> Society would change greatly of course. Probably for the better. Less
> resources allocated for reproduction means more resources allocatable to
> improving the quality of life.

Realize that this proposal would be met with formidable challenge
from many different sources

> > 2.    Virus would need to constantly replicate to induce enough sperm-
> >       specific IgA in the vaginal canal.
> Not necessarily. For example, if the immunological target was proteins
> imvolved in implantation, rendering the host sensitive to these proteins might
> be enough. Repeated exposure to an endemic vector would repeatedly boost the
> stimulated host immune response.

Difficult to break immunological self-recognition to mount an
effective autoimmune response in a healthy human.  Especially
difficult to produce a useful IgA response (IgG probably not
effective) with a single one-week exposure.

> > 3.    The purpetrators would have a great deal of control over
            where the
> >       infection starts, etc. and who would first be immunized against
> >       the vector.
> The ideal scenario would be to release the agent simultaneously in all the
> densely overpopulated urban areas of the world. From there it would quickly
> spread to non-urban populations.

> > 4.    Immunization against the vector would defeat the purpose.  This would
> >       be done in developed countries within a few years of discovering
> >       the crime.  Thus this is a formula for reducing the population of
> >       the _developing_ world only.  If this is reprehensible, then here
> >       is another problem!
> There are lots of viruses that have no effective vaccines against them,
> including the common cold. I propose to start with one of these. I
> specifically want to avoid making it easy for wealthy countries could evade
> the agent.

Most common colds are caused by rhinoviruses.  Because there are 114
serotypes, an effective vaccine that induces multi-type immunity has
not been made.  A genetic construct (perhaps the insertion of a
few relevent epitopes into the capsid genes) would be made with a
single serotype.  The identity of this serotype would be discovered
relatively quickly and a vaccine can be made for that type of
rhinovirus.  Hence, you would have to make a series of recombinants
to be released sequentially.

> Version: 2.6
> 0/kGlIQSBImfbWV0Ntsuk19yPumzwm92V6I9AsZDdBSIWWoyzuHvwA==
> =8V7w
Greg Tobin, Ph.D.                        tobin at lcms-1.ncifcrf.gov
PO Box B
Frederick, MD 21702

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