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Aussie Horse virus

RYBICKI, ED ED at molbiol.uct.ac.za
Wed Sep 28 02:51:35 EST 1994

> Has anyone heard of the virus that has killed 14 horses and a 
trainer in
> Queensland?
> Just very interetsed.  The Horses went off their food, then had 
> breathing and died, and the trianer exhibited the same symptoms 
and was
> hosptialised, ending up on respirators and a dyalsis machine, and 
> today.
> Suggestions as to what it is? Not being very virology minded is 
this cross
> species transfer very unusual?

African horse sickness vaccine as grown at Onderstepoort in SA has 
been known to infect, and cause blindness and other neurological 
symptoms in, humans who were inadvertently exposed to it....  But 
yes, the Aus outbreak sounds rather nasty, any details?

 | Ed Rybicki, PhD          |         Well, I tip my hat           |
 | (ed at micro.uct.ac.za)     |      To the new constitution         |
 | Dept Microbiology        | Take a bow for the new revolution... |
 | University of Cape Town  |  Then I get on my knees and pray     |
 | Private Bag, Rondebosch  |   We don't get get fooled again...   |
 | 7700, South Africa       |                                      |
 | fax: xx27-21-650 4023    |      - Pete Townshend, 1972          |
 | tel: xx27-21-650 3265    |      (Won't get fooled again)        |

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