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modest proposal

Greg Tobin tobin at fcs260c.ncifcrf.gov
Fri Sep 30 12:19:46 EST 1994

In article <65221.branco at ent.umass.edu> branco at ent.umass.edu writes:
>     With all due respect to those who took the time to become involved
>and replied to the "modest proposal" is it maybe about time we let go?
>I think that we all subscribed to the virology net to exchange important
>information among virologists, regarding virology, in a civilized fashion.
>resulted.  I would rather eliminate postings of that nature alltogether.  It
>is much more enjoyable to read inquiries pertaining to REAL virology issues.
>That is after all the real purpose of this service, is it not???
There are usually less than a dozen posts a day to this newsgroup - 
most on two or three threads.  Sometimes it takes a real hair-brain
idea to get anything interesting discussed here.  After lobbying
for the Deusberg fans to leave one of the unmoderated bionet groups,
posts have gone from about 15/day to 2-3/day.  There are probably a
lot of lurkers out there who benefit from these hypothetical 
discussions.  BTW, when's the last time YOU started an interesting thread?

Greg Tobin, Ph.D.                        tobin at lcms-1.ncifcrf.gov
PO Box B
Frederick, MD 21702

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