I want to alert you to a cross-reference database I created.
It is called VIRTERM, and couples the code of the 6th ICTV
(international commission on taxonomy of viruses) nomenclature,
the catalog number of ATCC (American type culture collection) and
for some viruses also the accession number for a corresponding
nucleotide sequence at EMBL (European molecular biology
laboratory). Included are viruses which infect humans, and
viruses related to them.
The database is intended for standardisation of clinical
virological reports, both as a term database and for selection of
reference strains for method calibration, and for selection of
primers and probes.
I am aware that the database will be modified, and that the
concept should be expanded.
The present version is now open for your evaluation and use.
Jonas Blomberg
*************< Jonas.Blomberg at alinks.se >************
Jonas Blomberg, M.D., Ph.D.
Dept. Medical Microbiology (division Virology)
University of Lund
Solvegatan 23
S-223 62 Lund, Sweden
Voice: +46-46-173275 (office) +46-40-412653 (home)
Fax: +46-46-189117 (office) +46-40-411165 (home)