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Potyvirus antisera

Gerhard Pietersen RIETGP at PLANT2.AGRIC.ZA
Thu Feb 22 07:05:39 EST 1996

Dear plant virologists,

we have sequenced the 3'UTR and coat protein gene of a potyvirus in 
South Africa. The sequence data suggests that the virus is new. We 
would like to confirm this by first testing the virus extensively 
against a wide variety of specific potyvirus antisera. We have tested 
some antisera to date and none of them suggest any relationships. We 
would appreciate it if those of you with any potyvirus 
antisera (especially to the legume potyviruses) could consider 
making a small amount of the serum available to us for use in our 
tests. All antisera used will be acknowledged. Please first contact 
me at my personal email address before you send antisera as we may 
already have the type you are prepared to send, and can then spare 
you the expense and trouble of sending it.

Thanking you in advance


Gerhard Pietersen
Gerhard Pietersen
Plant Protection Research Institute
Private Bag X134
Tel. +27-12-329-3269
Fax. +27-12-329-3278

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