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Bionet.virology -"Houston...I think we have a problem"

via via at eden.com
Sat Feb 24 21:44:36 EST 1996

what is inappropriate about vaccine questions on a virology

tyr-2 at bones.biochem.ualberta.ca (Karl Fischer) wrote:

>While waiting for my gel to finish staining I decided, on a whim, to take
>a look at the number of "innapropriate" postings on our net feed of b.v..
>The following are posts made from from Feb 9th to Feb 23:

>243 articles total of which the "innapropriates" (IMHO) were : 

>39    Re: vaccination
>25    Re: Broccolize the water
>4     Re: stop fluoridation in california
>57    Why do humans drink milk (was broccolize the water)
>2     Crippled writing. Was Why do humans drink milk?
>6     Why do humans drink coffee?
>1     human milk
>1     milk yada yada yada yada
>11    chocolate milk
>4     fat content of 2% milk
>2     changing doctors

>To give a grand total of 152 (62.6%) of total posts!!!! 

>Just a little food for thought.  

>Karl the hepB guy

>Karl Fischer
>tyr-2 at bones.biochem.ualberta.ca

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