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Chances of Andromeda Strain?

tomlins at smhs.medford.or.us tomlins at smhs.medford.or.us
Sun Feb 25 23:52:18 EST 1996

I was wondering if anyone had an idea of the chances of humans coming in 
contact with something like the Andromeda Strain?  What are the chances that
an airborne disease with the lethality of Lassa or Ebola will ever infect the 
human race?  How much of the human population would this destroy?

Scott Tomlins

tomlins at smhs.medford.or.us
Stomlins at gnn.com

Outbreak, the movie, may have been crude Hollywood fiction but the 
Andromeda strain made no sense whatever, at least terms of the biology of
the organism.  I think it is more likely you'll be struck by lightening in
your living room than a meteorite or retrieved space capsule will bring
a bizarre life form to Earth.  On the other hand, when we start exploring
other planets, particularly those that have life on them (presumably outside
our solar system), then things might get interesting.  See ALIEN for
Hollywood's treatment of that scenario.

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